Monday, September 22, 2008

Photo Envy

My sister-in-law is a wedding phtotgrapher and we were discussing the advantages/disadvantages of the use of sunsets in photos. While searching for some sunset photos on Flicka, i came across this photo of the North Bourke Bridge. I spent a month in Bourke a few years ago when one of my good friends from school got married. In the weeks leading up to her wedding we would often go and sit on the old North Bourke bridge with a glass of wine, just to get away from all of the pre-wedding stress and drama. And then on her actual wedding day we had the bridal party photos taken on the bridge also. When I saw this photo it reminded me of the great times i'd had in Bourke and made me wish I was having holidays soon so that i could go out and visit the farm and Gidgee Lake again. It's amazing that by just seeing one simple photo, so many memories can come flooding into your head..


pls@slnsw said...

I think that is one of the reasons Flickr is so popular - it can be a prompt for memories about places we have been, or things we have seen...

Ellen (PLS)

Kim said...

Hi Sarah,
I been and looked at a dozen or so blogs and yours is the only one I've seen that give information about yourself. It's such a refreshing change. I'm only up to week 3 (after a false start at the beginning of the year). Good luck.